Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life will never be the same...

No tricks this time. This is Mese. We live in a day where a multitude of technological advancements afford us the opportunity to share experiences faster than ever. Something extraordinary happens at 2:00 and a friend on the other side of the world can know about it by 2:05. I have been lucky enough to have experienced something that has literally changed my perspective on life and now I feel a profound urgency to share it with the people that I love. Please watch this video as I am sure that it will burn into your core and you will NEVER EVER be the same. Please share your experiences with us as way of thanks for you will be grateful for having seen it.


The Expatts said...

haha. you always find crazy stuff on youtube, and you have not let us down this time :)thanks for the laugh...

ME ;) said...

It gets funnier everytime I watch it. I got it in the message you sent me. HAHAHAHA. Thanks for sharing your experiences with all of us. And now everytime I hear that song I will think of the little Korean boy and wonder just how far he has gone with his music ron-day-boos. I look forward to the next time you have advice on anything that will impact my life as much as this has.(tear drop) ...

Barb's blessings said...

I never want to hear that song again thanks!!!! LOL Love the costume Rachel

Andy and Yolanda said...

It pulled on my heart strings! Thanks Mese

Lynn said...

I feel as if the heavens have opened and all mysteries made known unto me. The only way I can describe my experience while watching that video...TRANSCENDANT! This is Ben.

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